24/7 National Coverage: 1-877-28-CRUSA       513-674-2300                                                    

Commercial Water Damage Restoration

Recover Faster After a Water Disaster

No matter if you’re dealing with the aftermath of a broken water main, a flood, a storm, or firefighting efforts, one thing’s for sure: water damage cleanup, drying, and restoration must happen expeditiously to prevent further damage and mold growth. And if you’re dealing with contaminated water, the urgency level goes up even more.

If your building is flooded, don’t wait; call our emergency line. We’ll secure and board up the building, clean and sanitize, and start working on urgent repairs right away.

CALL US NOW 24/7: 513-674-2300

CRUSA Services for Water Damage Restoration

Comprehensive Capabilities

Whatever the scale or type of water damage, we’ll tailor our processes, equipment, and team to deal with it in the most efficient and effective way. 

We’re Full-Service Water Damage Contractors, And We Mean it.

Our water damage experts start with a thorough assessment to identify all affected areas, followed by water extraction, drying, and dehumidification to prevent mold and avoid future repairs.

Water Damage Restoration, the CRUSA Way

CRUSA is fully committed to making our clients’ lives as easy as possible throughout the cleanup and restoration process. Our services include everything needed for a complete water damage restoration, including:














Insurance claim negotiation



And more!


Making Your Life Easy

You get one point of contact, keeping you updated every step of the way and empowering you to make informed decisions at every turn, while we take care of everything else. 

What Type of Water Damage Do You Have?

From clean water to black water, damages and risks can vary significantly.

Clean Water Damage

Originates from sanitary sources (e.g., broken water lines).

Considerations and Risks

Property damage, warping to building structures, electrical hazards, and mold growth if not dried up within 48 hours.

Gray Water Damage

Comes from slightly contaminated sources (e.g., washing machines, dishwashers).

Additional Risks

Beyond the water risks listed, gray water can contain substances that irritate the skin and lungs, cause odors, and accelerate building damage.

Black Water Damage

Description: Highly contaminated water (e.g., sewage, floodwater).

Most Severe Health Risks

Contains harmful bacteria and other disease-causing pathogens that can require demolition of entire structures if proper sanitation is not possible.

Why Choose CRUSA for Water Damage Restoration

Through our local Cincinnati team, we’re prepared to deal with virtually any type and scale of water damage in the Tri-State area.

Water Damage Restoration Customer Story

A hotel experienced severe water damage, and CRUSA remediated and restored it in record time.

Prevent or Minimize Future Water Damage

Although storms, floods, and other catastrophic events happen unexpectedly, some types of incidents can be prevented or mitigated. As we remodel your property, we’ll prioritize using good building practices and water-resistant materials to keep your property as safe from water as it can be. 

Partner With CRUSA on Emergency Response Protocols


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